Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Disney Stars are Made

I write extremely LONG posts; I will be posting more shorter post starting from now. Anyways, with all my talk about genes and genetic engineering, I thought this was a funny video parody of Disney and what I've been talking about in my previous posts. The video is about how geneticists grow human beings in a lab with desirable traits of a super star. Imagine if there really were known genes that gave traits of great singing, dancing, and looking good; I can see some wanting their babies to be grown in these labs and, most likely, a lot of people banning the idea. Although a person may not be born with these traits, in a way, I do think stars in real life are "engineered" or instructed by their agents to act or look a certain way to be more famous and rich, which is a bit sad. Anyways, enjoy the video!


  1. This is wonderful. Thank you. As being a performer and actor i have asked my self this question many times, is talent genetic or learned? I specifically look at singing. Some people, can just sing the shit out of songs, others need training to be able, and others just dont have the talent. I believe there must be something in our make up thats makes us have the talent we do. What ever it is, i would like some of it right now.

  2. I really like how you brought entertainment that everyone including juveniles know about and relate it to science. It was clever and eye catching.

  3. I like this post because this is interesting to know how Disney stars are made. I also like your opinions about the video, but it is hard to believe that these Disney stars are “engineered” in a certain way in reality. I believe this post is too short, but I know you want to write a short post. You can write one more paragraph describing which famous celebrities are mentioned in the video because some readers may be interested to know whether or not their favorite celebrities are “engineered.”

  4. I have read that there is a lab in L.A. that specialize in what they call " designer babies"! It gives the person a chances to " design" their babies apperance. I dont think it can go as far as talent, I dont think(wink). I have a family of singers and I cant hold a tune, LOL..... If you can event something that will allow me to have that talent I would be forever in your debt. No just joking; but really I love this post and your others. I can tell that you are passionate about science.
